Creator Gratitude Journal

For people who have purchased a copy of Creator Gratitude Journal, thankyou, and you will access your BONUS RELAXATION MEDITATION via the following instructions.

Always come back to this page, to be sure you have the current access details, which will be updated from time to time.

Open your Creator Gratitude Journal to the Resources page

Use the first and last name of the person in the number 1 resource, and add the word code. These three words in that order are your discount code, which provides you access. For the first time you go to the site, you will also need to complete a few details, to create your login account and create a password.

From time to time, you may receive an update of new resources, or services; and your details are kept secure.

Click here and it will take you to the page with the Relaxation Meditation

Enjoy the relaxation meditation